Design Build
We have design build and engineering capabilities for all categories of HVAC and plumbing projects.

Hill Air Force Base – North Plating Shop:
Owner Direct
Design/Build Plating Shop remodel. This work includes the replacement of the cadmium and chrome lines. Work also includes installation of three (3) large ovens, forty-nine (49) tanks, steam, gas, reverse osmosis, air and acid waste piping. Integration of new Allen Bradley control system with existing building systems, tanks, overhead crane and new scrubbers with PVC ductwork.
Google Fiber- Trolley Square:
Layton Construction
Provided engineering and drawings for VAV boxes with hydronic piping and ductwork. Provided ductless mini split systems. Plumbing included waste, vent and water piping to breakroom and maintenance closet.
Zellerbach Apartments:
Jacobsen Construction
Provided engineering and installation of plumbing & mechanical for 292 units including hydronic heating with piping, ductwork, registers and grilles. Plumbing included boilers, pumps, expansion tanks, domestic, waste, vent, and gas piping.
Swire Coca Cola
Provided engineering and installation of plumbing & mechanical including a roof mounted air handling unit, VAV boxes, hydronic piping, exhaust fans and ductwork.
JBS Hyrum- Industrial Food Processing Plant
Engineering and installation steam and condensate piping for an industrial food processing plant.